Small Group Coaching

now enrolling for october 16th

Heal your chronic pelvic pain so that you can finally feel safe in your body, move how you want to, have the sex life you deserve, and live your best full and empowered life.

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enroll now for oct 16th

When I first developed chronic pelvic pain, I thought my life was over.

My pain consumed every part of me.
Every moment of the day was spent thinking about my pain, monitoring how I was feeling, and worrying about how much worse it was going to get.

Have you been there, too?

I would spend all of my free time on message-boards reading horror stories from women who had pain just like mine. Who, although had seemed to have “tried everything,” weren’t healing. What I was looking for was hope, but I couldn't seem to find any.

My life became entirely focused on trying to fix my pain.

“I absolutely loved it.

I would recommend this program to anybody dealing with pelvic pain who is interested in learning more about how your brain can create and hold onto symptoms for many different reasons. Rachel was very informative. She explained the brain science behind pain very well for basically everybody to understand. The way she designed the course made it really easy and I looked forward to it every week”

- Cristina

Sign me up!

That is, until I discovered the mind-body approach to healing.

The mind-body approach to healing helped me understand that although my pain was 100% real, the solution to healing couldn't be found through trying to "fix" my body.

There was nothing "physical" to fix.

Instead, what I had was what is called "neuroplastic pain." My brain started misinterpreting safe messages from my body as though they were dangerous.

​And if you have been struggling to “fix” your pain for greater than 6 months…you likely have neuroplastic pain too.

But at the time, I didn't know this.
I was terrified of my pain.

And as I feared my symptoms, worried about my symptoms, and focused on my symptoms, they became more and more severe.

My brain was getting the message that something was REALLY wrong, so my nervous system cranked up the dial of my pain. Over time this pattern was repeated so many times that a neural circuit was created that kept the pain going.

​The mind-body approach taught me how to break the cycle and heal.

Through this approach, I learned that my body wasn’t broken. And neither is yours. 

Instead, I learned that my nervous system was stuck in a constant state of fear and protection, and this was the underlying cause of my chronic pelvic pain. 

“The first thing I felt with Rachel was that she saw me.

She empathized with me. And she BELIEVED in me…she gave me so many tools to not only heal physically, but also mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Rachel has helped me change my behavior and outlook on life.”

- Hannah

My pain was not the result of some disease process.

I didn’t have “interstitial cystitis,” “unprovoked vulvodynia”, “pudendal neuralgia,” or any of the diagnoses I was given.

My pain was not the result of an undetectable infection -

such as an “embedded UTI,” “subclinical BV,” or any of the other infectious suggestions doctors threw at me.

My pain was the result of an overprotective nervous system.

And if you’ve experienced trauma or chronic stress, you likely also have an overprotective nervous system.

“It’s a safe space to be vulnerable -

and really get coaching with one of the best in the world. I cannot recommend Rachel enough and I cannot recommend the group coaching enough.” 

- CM

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In order to heal, I had to teach my nervous system that I was safe.

Framework framework Framework frameworkFramework framework Framework framework Framework framework Framework framework Framework framework Framework framework Framework framework Framework framework

Now I teach others to do the same through my framework

the framework I created when I healed myself, that I’ve now used with countless clients on their journeys to becoming pain free.

The Framework:


Understand Your Pain


Befriend Your Body


Regulate Your Nervous System


Reclaim Pleasure


Re-engage In Life

This is the framework you will learn on our group journey.

Sign me up!

Pain doesn't get to be in the driver’s seat of your life anymore

Beyond Chronic Pelvic Pain Group Coaching Is…

Healing through a mind-body approach.

A supportive community of like-minded women who are all on this mind-body healing journey together.

Understanding your chronic pain through learning modern pain science

Re-prioritizing pleasure, joy, rest, play, and living a life in alignment with your values.

Re-engaging in life. Pain doesn't get to be in the driver’s seat of your life anymore, YOU do!

enroll now for oct 16th

 I needed to start living before my pain was gone for my symptoms to reduce.

I needed to start making choices to expand my life.

I needed to create a life BEYOND my pain in order to heal my pain.⁠

So, I did just that.⁠

Slowly, I started to make decisions for a future version of my life I didn’t fully believe was possible yet.⁠

I held my belief that this was the way out. And for me, it was.⁠

I am inviting you on a journey where you will make the same courageous choice.

I’m ready to do this!

If you’ve been through the medical system and feel like you’re out of answers, I want you to know that there’s hope.

I know how scary it can be to change your approach to pain. 

But I want to ask you, 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶’𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶?⁠

⁠Are you ready to try a different path?

If you’re ready to try a different approach to healing your pain; an approach that expands your life in the process rather than shrinking it… I would like to invite you to join my small group coaching program: Beyond Chronic Pelvic Pain Group Coaching.

What you'll be learning What you'll be learning What you'll be learning What you'll be learning What you'll be learning What you'll be learning What you'll be learning What you'll be learning What you'll be learning 

Understanding the Foundation

Regulate Your Nervous System

Befriending Your Body

Coaching & Integration call 1

Embracing Pleasure, Joy, Rest, & Play

Reclaiming Movement

Coaching & Integration call 2

Let’s Talk About Sex!

Creating a Life That Works For You

Integration and Support

Sign me up!

Understanding the Foundation


Week 1:

We start by delving into the science of neuroplastic pain and laying the groundwork for our journey ahead. You'll leave this session understanding that although your symptoms are 100% real, they are not the result of a tissue-issue and you'll have a clear and simple framework outlining the path to healing. 

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Regulate Your Nervous System: Bottom-up techniques


Week 2:

In week 2, you will learn about the transformative power of nervous system regulation. When the nervous system is dysregulated—often due to prolonged stress, trauma, chronic pain (or a combination of all three)—the body remains in a heightened state of fight-or-flight, which can exacerbate pain and impede healing. By engaging in practices that promote nervous system regulation, the body can shift from a state of chronic danger to one of safety. This shift allows the body's natural healing mechanisms to activate, reducing pain and supporting true recovery. One of the most impactful ways to help regulate the nervous system is using the body-based techniques to signal safety such as through the use of breathwork, grounding, and soothing the senses. This week is where you will learn tools to teach your body safety.

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Befriending Your Body and Building Your Belief


Week 3:

Whereas in week 2 we focus on body-based tools to regulate the nervous system, in week 3 we will work with brain-based tools. 

Chronic pelvic pain makes us feel like our bodies are our enemies. It is so painful to live that way. And here’s the thing, you can’t heal a body you hate. Therefore making peace with our bodies is the only way forward. This week is all about shifting the relationship you have with your body. Pain is not the enemy. It is communication from our nervous system. It is your nervous system making a request. It’s just a request you don’t yet know how to interpret. But it’s a language you can learn. This week, I will teach you how to befriend your body, to tune in to the messages it's sending you, and help you repair your relationship that you have with your body. Remember, your body is always on your side. It is on this healing journey with you.  

Another critical aspect of healing is BELIEVING you can heal. But don’t worry, most people don’t believe they can heal at the start. That’s why we will also work to help you transform your mindset and build belief in your ability to heal. Because I know you can heal, I just need you to know it too. 

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Coaching, Questions, and Integration Call 1 the Foundation


Week 4:

We will have 3 integration calls through the program. These calls are reserved for a full hour of Q&A, coaching, and experiential practices. This will give you an opportunity to not just listen to me lecture, but actually integrate the material and get real-time feedback to help you move forward.

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Embracing Pleasure, Joy, Rest, and Play


Week 5:

It’s normal to believe that healing has to be hard work. That it should just be all work and no play.. Well… I’d like to offer an expanded view of what constitutes healing. The research is clear, feeling GOOD is healing. Activating the nervous system states associated with experiencing pleasure, joy, rest and play don’t just feel good, they signal a whole neuroendocrine cascade that facilitates healing. When we feel good, when we are exploring our creativity, when we are tuning into pleasurable sensation, our brains automatically shift from danger to safety. Without struggling to make that shift. It’s automatic. In week 5, I will teach you that embracing pleasure, joy, rest, and play are actually healing modalities, and how to use these modalities to help you get to where you want to go faster. And while having more fun! 

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Reclaiming Movement


Week 6:

When we have chronic pelvic pain, there are often types of movement we’re afraid to perform, or positions we are afraid to be in. Sometimes we’re afraid to move at all for fear that we might be “making things worse.” This week is all about helping reduce your fear of movement and get you back to doing the physical activities you love. 

I’m a physical therapist by training. I hold a doctorate degree in helping people in pain get back to moving their bodies safely. And unfortunately, what is missing from the training of too many of my physical therapist colleagues is understanding how to work with the nervous systems of people experiencing chronic pain. When you have chronic pain, your nervous system functions differently. It alerts you to potential damage (via pain) far before you’re even close to true tissue injury. So the methods that work for those without chronic pain do not work for those with chronic pain. I want to teach you what does work. Together, we will explore tools such as imaginal exposure and graded exposure techniques to help you retrain your nervous system to allow you to perform the activities you love without pain.  

Movement is also an incredible strategy to support the regulation of our nervous systems. In this week, I will also teach you specific movement techniques that you can use to help discharge survival stress in your nervous system and shift into a more regulated state. These strategies changed my life, and I know they will change yours too. 

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Coaching, Questions, and Integration Call 2


Week 7:

These calls are reserved for a full hour of Q&A, coaching, and experiential practices. This will give you an opportunity to not just listen to me lecture, but actually integrate the material and get real-time feedback to help you move forward.

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Let’s Talk About Sex!


Week 8:

Physical intimacy is important to most people. And it’s often an activity that no longer feels available to us when we are experiencing chronic pelvic pain. I want to help you change that. In week 8, I want to help you navigate the complexities of intimacy with confidence. From understanding female arousal anatomy, to discussing options for non-penetrative play, to learning to set empowered boundaries, I will provide you practical tools for navigating your sex life while you’re in the process of healing your pelvic pain. You don’t have to wait until your pain is gone to enjoy a fulfilling sex life. I want to help you start today!

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Creating a Life That Works For You


Week 9:

My desire for you is to create a life you feel authentically safe in. A life that authentically works for you. That’s ultimately how you heal. When your nervous system gets the message that you are SAFE, connected to yourself, and true to yourself. How we get there, is by connecting to our true selves and from that place, building a life that works for us. It requires actually connecting with yourself and asking “Who am I?” “What do I really want?” “How do I want to live?” And from that place, designing a life that truly works for you. Today is the day where you intentionally design that life. Today is where we help you clarify exactly what that looks like and how to get there. Through a combination of guided visualizations exercises, connecting to your core values, and creating routines that truly nourish you, you will gain clarity on the life you desire beyond chronic pelvic pain and create a plan to make that future a reality.

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Integration and Support:


Week 10:

In our final session, we will bring it all together as we integrate the tools and knowledge gained throughout the program. We will have our last full hour of Q&A, coaching, and experiential practices. This session ensures that you feel supported as you continue on your journey to lasting healing and self-empowerment.

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The Details:

Beyond Chronic Pelvic Pain Group Coaching consists of:

10 x 1 hr coaching calls consisting of a mix of teaching and group coaching.

*You will also have access to a private Facebook group where you can support one-another along the way!

Number of participants:

maximum 8.

Important dates & times:

We begin on Wednesday October 16th at 6PM EST. All calls will be Wednesdays at the same time.

If you can't make the call live, recordings will be sent out within 48 hrs of each session.

You will have lifetime access to the replays.

Program price:



Payment plans available. 

*If after the group program you choose to continue working with me in 1:1 coaching, you can apply a $200 discount to the cost of the coaching package.

Enrollment closes when the program fills, and we start on October 16th.

If you have questions about whether this program is right for you, send me a DM on instagram or email me at and I’ll get back to you personally. (But a breakdown of who is a good fit for this program is just below)

enroll now for oct 16th

You might be a good fit for this program if…

You might not be a good fit for this program if…

You have ruled out pathological causes of your pain and are looking to understand and implement a mindbody approach to healing

You have diagnoses such as vulvodynia, vaginismus, pudendal neuralgia, interstitial cystitis, pelvic floor dysfunction, endometriosis (at least a year after excision procedure)

You are looking to learn in a group environment.

You’re open to exploring all the factors that could be influencing your pain experiences including the thoughts you think, your coping strategies, your emotional experiences and your relationships.  

You’re willing to consider taking action in your life even if the pain isn’t “totally gone.”

You want to get your life back and are ready to make this a priority. 

You’re sick and tired of your pain controlling your life and are ready to get back in the driver’s seat! 

You feel you would only benefit from 1:1 support.

If you are attached to a purely physical explanation and treatment of your symptoms.

If you’re attached to just trying to “solve” the pain and are unwilling to consider starting to take action in your life without the pain being “totally gone.”

If you’re attached to finding someone to “fix” you and are unwilling to take ownership of your healing journey.

“Rachel was empathetic, positive, hopeful, knowledgeable, and a great communicator.

I appreciated that she had shared experience with pelvic pain, so I knew she understood what this felt like physically and emotionally. I appreciated that she also had a background in pelvic physiotherapy because it gave me confidence that she was knowledgeable in both the musculoskeletal world and the neuroplastic world.”

- Ingrid


A: I’m truly sorry to tell you that no one can ever ethically tell you when you will be pain-free. The aim of this coaching container is to equip you with the framework and tools to carry you through your healing journey with more clarity and confidence! ​

A: Unfortunately I am not able to offer sliding scale spots at this time. ​

A: It's best to show up live if you can, but of course life happens! There will be a replay sent out within 48 hrs of each live call. ​

You will have an opportunity to get some individual coaching during the coaching portion of the calls, but all coaching will be viewed by the other participants of the program. If you are looking for true private 1:1 coaching, please check out my 1:1 coaching offer. 

A: In every group program there will likely be some topics that feel more relevant and less relevant to your specific needs. I would encourage you to keep an open mind and hopefully you can take away something of value no matter what! 

Most people aren't 100% sure their pain is neuroplastic. It's important that you've done a comprehensive medical assessment to rule out pathological contributors to your pain. If you've done that, and you've had pain for more than 6 months, it is very likely you have neuroplastic pain.

This is so common. Many people with neuroplastic pain have more widespread symptoms. This work is not just for pelvic pain, but it is specifically tailored to those experiencing pelvic pain. I do this because there are some aspects to healing pelvic pain, specifically, that are too often left out of the mind-body healing conversation. I want to make sure we cover all of that here. 

 If after 2 weeks you feel this program is really not the right fit for you, I will refund you the remainder of the program cost ($880). After the start of week 3, there will be no refunds. ​

Are you ready to take your next step toward creating a life 
beyond chronic pelvic pain?

Sign me up!

The Pelvic Pain Coach, LLC


Content available on this Site, including all associated social media accounts is not a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment, medical diagnosis or therapy.

This website and program provides information and support for those suffering from, or those who believe they might be suffering from neuroplastic pain / psychogenic pain / neuropsychophysiologic pain / mindbody disorders and is solely for educational purposes. It should not be used as a substitute for medical, psychological or psychiatric advice, and does not replace the care of a medical physician.